Sekhem Healing Energy: Energy Healing & Guided Meditation in London
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Free yourself from what is holding you back. Boost your energy and return to vitality.  EXPERIENCE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.


“Franjo is an exceptional healer, I was going through a lot of emotional upheaval and after a healing session with him I felt calm, centred and more in touch with the source, rather than my own drama and trauma.”

- Charlotte P. 


Do you feel stuck disconnected from yourself, from life, and from others? 

Are you struggling to move past a breakup and just can't shake the energy of a past relationship?

Perhaps your mind is constantly rehashing old stories and negative events that you just

can't seem to escape

Or perhaps you are craving a deeper spiritual experience and transcendent states of consciousness  

Whatever you are going through, Sekhem is a powerful type of energy healing that helps you experience feelings of deep peace and tranquillity, clears energetic blocks and restores your vitality and flow.

 “The clearing of stuck and unbalanced energy with Franjo is a very powerful process that will leave you feeling wonderful inside. I literally come away from sessions with him feeling like I have done a spiritual workout.”   - CHRIS B. 

It’s been amazing, but an experience I’m unable to describe. My only suggestion is to give it a try and be open. It has been transformative for me in more ways than ever imagined, and again something I’m unable to articulate without sounding completely bonkers. I was also fully aware my mental health required some self love and healing. Franjo is great, would recommend this healing more than a talking therapist.
— Hazel W

Benefits of Sekhem Healing

Many of us are living disconnected from our true spiritual selves and Source consciousness. When this connection is weak, our whole being becomes dysfunctional and imbalanced.  This manifests as all the various physical and mental illnesses that many in our society experience today. 

Sekhem helps you to heal by restoring your connection to Source, to your heart chakra and unconditional love.

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Restore your energy

The responsibilities, obligations and interactions with others that come with life can become overwhelming and leave you feeling drained. Sekhem increases your natural vitality by connecting you to the source of universal life energy.  

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Free yourself & get unstuck

Sekhem can gift you with insights and shifts in perspective to liberate you from attachments to your psychological patterns, people or possessions.

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Heal from past relationships

Often after a breakup, you still carry the energy of your partner. Clearing the energetic cords, or connections, that can bind us to past loves with a Sekhem healing session will allow you to heal and move on.

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Quieten your mind & calm your body

Sekhem is a loving energy that allows you to release anxiety and mental chatter. It is common to experience deep feelings of peace and tranquility during a session, as thoughts start to dissolve and your mind takes a break. On a physical level, Sekhem works on the underlying energetic patterns that create tension in your body and releases them to induce deep relaxation.

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Progress in your spiritual evolution

You may have a regular spiritual practice of your own but crave deeper connection with Source energy. Sekhem can advance your spiritual connection, clear ancestral energetic patterns and free you from what’s holding you back.



You may enter a deep trance during your Sekhem session and experience vivid visions, shamanic journeys, out of body experiences or other types of altered states of consciousness, or fully connect with Source consciousness and have an initiation experience.


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These Kirlian photography images were professionally taken by Nigel Hutchings from Fullspectrum. They show the energy field of a test participant in their normal energy state before the session and also after they had received a Sekhem healing treatment from Franjo. The improvement in the client’s energy field is striking, and this was only after fifteen minutes of treatment.

My treatment with Franjo far exceeded my expectations. I thought I would just be relaxing for an hour but it was far deeper than that. The effects were remarkable and I cannot describe what happened during the treatment but afterwards I felt a lot stronger.
— Hayley W


I am Franjo and I am here to help you heal.

I have been a Sekhem Energy Healing practitioner for over 20 years and remain to be in constant awe of its powerful ability to heal on a spiritual, emotional, mental and physical level. 

My life's work is to assist people on their healing journey. I am here to serve all who need physical or emotional well-being… healing the world one person at a time!  I perceive myself as a conduit for the wonderful healing energy of Sekhem, which comes from a very pure source and can help with all manner of issues and challenges.

I am dedicated to helping you to come back to your true spiritual self through Sekhem.  Whichever area you are looking for healing in, whether it's a breakup you can't seem to move past, struggling with physical issues or feeling stuck, there is a path out of suffering and back to your eternal, peaceful essence.